Friday, May 8, 2009

Fave Five Friday

Since this recession hit, I've been looking for ways to cut corners and become more fiscally conservative. I have discovered a new love of baking and I have made so many things from scratch that I would have normally bought in the store. I never realized how easy it is to make homemade pancakes, cupcakes, cookies, and the like with very few ingrediants. I have also started cooking more from scratch and I am very happy with the results. My waistline isn't though!

Umm, the woman gave me and my whole family free chicken dinners. I didn't have to cook or do dishes on Wednesday night. Thank you Oprah!

I just recently found facebook (okay I have had a page for like a year, but never used it) and I have already reconnected with a ton of good friends I had lost contact with. As a matter of fact, me and a good friend from college went out to a movie and to lunch after we reunited through facebook. I LOVE social networking!

This may be my all time favorite movie. I just can't watch it enough.

Why have I not used these sooner? I am kicking myself.

I actually think I have gotten my grove back. I made a few pages in the last couple of nights and I am happy with the results. It's coming back to me slowly but surely, but so is the urge to SHOP! I have to find some balance in scrapbooking between participating in the hobby and just buying everything I see. If anyone knows how to do it, let me know.

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